Will Thompson

 ·  1 min read

Privacy Plus Utility - Motivating a Microaggregation Approach

At Data Council Austin, Will Thompson surveyed the current state-of-the-art privacy methods, and discussed why we think a microaggregation-based approach is the best solution to the privacy-utility tradeoff for most data teams.

Our mission at Privacy Dynamics is turning complex privacy processes into simple automated tools. As we bootstrapped the first release of our product, we went through several cycles of experimentation and evaluation using different privacy preserving strategies to determine which would be the best fit for the most users. In this talk, Will Thompson, Director of Engineering, presents our process of comparing the latest privacy preserving techniques, demonstrates the inherent tradeoffs of each method, and explains how we arrived at a design to maximize data utility while still responsibly addressing privacy risk.

This talk was delivered at Data Council in Austin, TX, on March 24, 2022.